Microchip your cat for only £15 until 10th June 2024
Legislation changes to the microchipping of cats...
As you may be aware, the legislation concerning the microchipping of cats is changing from the 10th June 2024. After this date, it will be mandatory for all cats to have a registered microchip and owners found not to have microchipped their cat after this date will have 21 days to have one implanted, or may face a fine of up to £500. Similar legislation has been in place for dogs since April 2016.
Because a microchip is the only way of definitively identifying your cat, there are many benefits including confirmation of ownership, the relocation of stray cats and identification in the event of an accident. In order to support the new legislation, we are offering a discount on the implantation of microchips from now until the 10th June 2024. During this time, the cost to microchip your cat is only £15, or, if your cat is on our Practice Health Plan, it is completely FREE of charge. Click here for more information on our Practice Health Plan.
Implanting a microchip is normally quick and simple and can be done in a
normal consultation. If you would like to take up this offer, all you
need to do is book an appointment to do so. This can be done online or
you can just call us at the practice.