Partridge Green Refurbishment is complete!

New Look Partridge Green!

As you may have known, our Partridge Green branch was closed for 3 weeks in January for refurbishment of our reception area, dispensary and consulting rooms. We would like to thank you for your consideration during this time when we conducted all work from Henfield. Things were a little cramped at times and we really did miss Partridge Green! However, work is complete and we hope you’ll agree that it was all worthwhile.

We now have separate dog and cat waiting areas, sunken floor scales for dogs and a coffee machine for our clients. This is all in addition to the lovely new desk for our hard working reception team. The ribbon was cut by Owen and Elliott Underwood - nearly 10 years to the day after Elliott unveiled the new plaque on the Partridge Green front door when he was 6 months old! Click here for the article from 2012...

We look forward to seeing you at Partridge Green soon